The departments of GIMUN are small groups of around 5 to 10 students that are interested in one or multiple aspects of the association. The working groups give the participants the possibility to acquire professional skills in various domains.
Currently, GIMUN has three departments, one for Public Relations, under the Public Relations director of GIMUN, one for Finances, led by the Finance Director of GIMUN, as well as a department for Events, which organises under the watch of the Vice-Presidency.
The departments are open to students from all academic backgrounds and previous experience is not required.

The Events Team is responsible for all of the Events of GIMUN with the exception of the Annual Conference. With the aim to bring together the GIMUN community, the team organizes social and cultural events. Moreover, with the most famous being the annual UN-Day, the Events Team organizes events promoting the values of GIMUN and thus, the UN. Under the direction of the Vice-President, the two Managers of Events are in charge of the team.
Organizing social, cultural and academic events for the GIMUN community
International Geneva
Assisting the Vice-President with logistical tasks surrounding the GIMUN public appearances
Organizing speakers and moderators for GIMUN Events
Bringing together the NGO and student association characteristics of GIMUN
Bringing together the different departments of GIMUN

The finance department is headed by the finance director. Members of the department are responsible for fundraising and budgeting for the organisation.
Organising fundraising events
Contacting potential sponsors
Assisting with financial tasks during the Annual Conference, such as the allocation of financial aid
Managing the financial aspects of the Study Trip week-ends

The GIMUN delegation is an opportunity to grow as an individual and as a debater. Every week, participants meet to develop public speaking skills, discuss international current affairs, and to gain mastery of the codes of the traditional MUN debate. This holistic approach creates the ideal environment for everyone to become an excellent delegate.
In concrete terms, our weekly meetings centre around different activities, all of which aim to train future delegates. Each meeting is divided into two parts.
To sum up, the GIMUN delegation represents both an extension and a practical application of your academic studies. It also constitutes an amazing social circle of passionate students. Joining the delegation means joining the worldwide MUN community as well as the local GIMUN community, which are both full of driven and smart students willing to make a difference in the world.

The PR Department is headed by the PR Director. Members of the department help the PR Director in their many tasks, in especially the promotion of events.
Writing texts on the events of GIMUN to publish them on the website
Assisting with filming and photographing during events
Using social media such as Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram during events
Assisting the update of the content and layout of the website
Assisting with the writing of texts for the website and for social media
Correction of texts for the website and for social media in English and French
Organisation of stands and in-class presentations to recruit participants for events and new members

The Translation Department mission is to ensure GIMUN bilingualism by translating and/or proofreading all the important documents of the organization. These documents can be published internally or externally. It is managed by the Head of Translation.
To translate and/or to proofread:
-Emails (to lecturers, GIMUN members, UNIGE students, etc.)
-Official emails (to guests, to potential financial partners)
-Registration forms, surveys, applying forms to positions, etc.
-Biographies of special guests, of GIMUN members, etc.
-All of the internal administrative documents -
Update the glossary