GIMUN Alumni allows GIMUN staff and General Assembly members to keep in touch with the association and with each other. Through email updates, the GIMUN Alumni community is kept informed of GIMUN activities even after its members are no longer active. Thanks to yearly gatherings, GIMUN Alumni keeps the GIMUN spirit alive and its members connected. GIMUN Alumni is both the institutional memory of the organization, as well as a networking forum for its members.
GIMUN Alumni community membership is based on voluntary registration. Every interested GIMUN staff or General Assembly member can become a member of GIMUN Alumni. Once he/she becomes a member, they do not have to renew their membership. Every General Assembly member and staff member will be contacted by the GIMUN Alumni Team when they quit their staff position. “GIMUN staff” is considered any person who had a substantive responsibility within the GIMUN structure (board, projects, etc.).

If you’d like to join the GIMUN Alumni please send an e-mail to: and specify the year(s) in which you took part in GIMUN as well as your position(s). Once this is verified you will get a confirmation email by one of our team members.
Please note that mere participants at GIMUN events cannot be GIMUN Alumni members.